To be able to go through 2024 and overcome the challenges and celebrate in the year –

  • Love your neighbour. The developmentĀ of love is going to be very important for you to prosper and be successful.
  • Love is painful sacrifice, it is seen when you are able to forgive when you are suffering harm done to you. When you are able to accept a person with their weaknesses and shortfalls.
  • Love is to keep quiet when people are heaping many evil words against and about you. Silence is the Key this year, because what you say in response is what matters to the enemy.
  • You must be able to even help those who have caused you much distress, Love is to know your enemy and not develop retaliation against them.
  • Why Silence? Because what you say can be used against you. Remember your enemy can be the one closest to you! Success can be seen both spiritually and physically and bring envy and jealousy against you. Anyone can be used by your enemy the devil, to be an enemy against you. Be wise and silent, quick to listen and slow to speak.
  • Above all, Keep your Dreams a secret until they come to fruition. Hide Moses in the river until the right time, avoid talking too much like Joseph, the enemy is lurking in the shadows and roaring like a lion to devour your breakthroughs and celebrations.