Three Weapons against fear.

2 Timothy 1.7
For God have not given us the spirit of fear, but power and of Love and of a sound mind.

Fear is a stronghold in many people’s lives today. You need to be free and here are the weapons you can use.

MAKE A QUALITY DECISION To break free from fear, you must first make QUALITY decision to do it. Come to a point in your life where you say “this is it”. I will not live another day under this yoke of bondage. This ends here and now.

Hebrews 13: 5-6
Psalm 118: 6

Both these scriptures promise that I will not fear and the Lord is on my side, what can man do. Many Christians are sitting around drowning in fear waiting for God’s power to strike them like a bolt of lightning so they can be free from fear. Some expect mystical force to rise up inside them. All the time, God is waiting for you who is willing to take a first step and that is a step of choosing. You are the one to make a Choice.

You have you choose if you will trust God or let fear of circumstances and man dominate you. It is your choice. Its entirely up to you. You got into fear by an act of your will, whether you realize it or not, and you will only get out of fear in the same way. Receiving fear and getting rid of fear both require your cooperation and your will. You choose to reject or accept fear the moment you are attacked by it. Fear does not have the right to force authority over you, or anyone else who has made a decision to live above fear.
Begin to shut out words or images that the devil might use to attempt to produce fear in you. Stand up, get rid of fear, and choose to stay free from fear in every Avenue of your life. Freedom begins with an act of your will, you must make a decision to live free from fear.

If you truly believe God is on your side, would handle that situation the way you did in the past.

If you believe that God is on your side, you are CALM, CONFIDENT, and RELAXED.

Just knowing that God has your back at all times is a liberating fact.

The world is in fear today from this pandemic called Corona virus. The word is looking upto scientists to come up with medicine. You are of sickbed and doctor are telling you they can’t help you any more. Are You facing a breakup, are you loosing your Job, are your finances dawn and fear is already holding your joy? . There is no one on the face of earth that will defend you against CORONA VIRUS, or any other fearful circumstances of life, neither Doctors, neither money, position, weapons of must destruction, name it, with the same conviction that Jesus defends you. He will watch over you better than sanitizers, better than hiding behind the walls in fear, better than not greeting your fellow brother, better than any Prophet, pastor, Bishop etc. Jesus Christ is the one that truly matters in your life.

Roman’s 8-31 – 32.
If God is on our Side, what can Corona virus do to us? What can those fearful circumstances do to you?

Jesus Christ is on your Side. We need to start acting like it.
Make a decision to be free from fear.

Be free from fear of demonic sicknesses in Jesus’s name.
What ever challenges you are facing, remember, Jesus Christ is on your side. He is watching over you. Don’t allow fear to separate you from the everlasting Love of your Lord and Saviour.

Have a blessed day. I am always with you in my prayers.