The greater Power

Scripture reference: 1John 4:4
Daniel 3:3-14

We are in the times where we need to be filled with the fire of God. The scripture is encouraging that in the midst of challenges, we are not alone. Christ is with us till to the end. Many Christians have abandoned their faith and prayer. The children of Israel were in captivity. King Nebuchadnezzar created a golden image to be worshipped by all. Nebuchadnezzar represents lucifer. These are times when lucifer is manifesting to his full capacity. The devil is completely waging war against our lives. We need to be spiritually alert. When you are spiritually blind you will not be able to see what is surrounding you. Three men Shadreck, Misheck and Abednigo refused to bow down to the created image. They were told that they were going to die if they continue worshiping their God. Shadreck, Misheck and Abednigo cut off from what the king had decreed. Cut off to any wickedness coming along your way. Do not entertain it. Only people with spiritual eyes are able to cut off wickedness when it comes. Keeping wickedness around you has brought calamity on you. Be able to say whatever the enemies plan against my life shall not prosper for greater is He who is in me than the devil who is in the world. A decree was made by the king that whoever was not going to worship the golden image was going to be thrown into fire.

There are times in life where you are confronted by life threatening situations. The three men told themselves that if their God will not rescue them let it be. They refused to bow down to a god. There are times when we are cast into the fire, when things are not going according to our expectations, we need to wait upon the Lord. When you believe and trust in the Lord your God, no matter you are thrown into fire, God will be with you in it. When you are inside it, it will not mean God has forgotten you or does not care about you. God uses fire for your elevation and from the fire you will be uplifted to another level.The fire will not consume you. The greater the fire the greater the testimony and breakthrough. Many people’s eyes can only see the fire infront of them. Their prayers are no longer spirit filled. They see darkness and the power of lucifer overcoming them. Many Christians are shivering and shaking today because they can not see beyond their eyes. They are spiritually blind. When you are spiritually blind, you will start to condemn the word of God. It will make you to stand and compromise wickedness.You will curse and humiliate the person who is holding keys to your breakthrough. Do not focus on the fire and the circumstances surrounding you rather focus on what God can do. At the appointed time God will show up for your rescue, healing etc. When he shows up, the things around you will be turned around for your good. Remember he prepares a table before you in the midst of that situation. He makes a way out for you for He is a God who cannot be defeated. So your challenges cannot defeat you. May God open your eyes so that you can see who is standing besides you. You need to depend on God. Don’t nature wickedness cut it off. You need to hear the voice of God speaking to your heart.

Other Scripture reference:
2 Kings 6:17