Mystery Of The Stone Jars!

Good morning brethren.This morning ,may the presence of God fill our hearts.May the glory of the risen Christ cover us this morning.May the risen Christ meet us at our point of need.May we be his witnesses.May the Christ who appeared to Peter and to the twelve and later to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time appear to us this morning.We all need the grace of Christ in our lives.He is our living water that leads to eternity.In all circumstances,invite God for a solution.When all hope is gone in the natural,God makes a way .Do not dispair about a thing,God is working out a solution for you.Our core reference comes from John 2:1-10.The wine at the wedding at Cana was finished in the middle of the celebrations.That is the way it is in life.When everything seems well planned suddenly things go out of plan.This morning through Christ ,we deal with situations that dampen our spirits.Situations that pull us back and make us cry.Mary the Mother of Jesus said”They have no more wine”What is it that is” finished “about you?What area of your life has suddenly dried up?Take your case to the creater through Jesus Christ.On your own you can not make it.It is not about good organisational skills alone,but all about Christ and his grace.Others with the same abilities like you have not moved an inch in this life.Take the script of your life to Jesus.Mary said to the servants.”Do whatever he tells you .”Nearby stood six water jars,the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing,each holding from twenty to thirty gallons(great capacity hey!).Jesus said to the servants,Fill the jars with water”So they filled them to the brim.Then he told them,”Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet .They did so and the master tasted the water that had been turned to wine.He did not realize where it had come from,though the servants knew.Then he called the bridegroom aside and said”Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper after the guests have had too much to drink,but you have saved the best till now,”.Your best is yet to come.Brethren,you are a valuable jar in Jesus name.You have a tremendous holding capacity.You will from now on realize your worth.Where ever you are,what ever you are doing that is not your best.The “Stone jaw” by grace will graduate from door step to your real position.Tired of being used for the wrong ceremonial purposes out side the creation order,take your life to the creator.As the stone jars at Cana were elevated from “ceremonial”purpose to spiritual purposes,I also see in my spirit massive elevation of the people of God from positions of relegation to superiority.We have brothers here who are so valuable,like the stone jar but have been relegated by the adversary for ceremonial purposes.The Lord has prepared an undisputed new purpose for “stone” jars at the wedding.Today is the day of you”the relegated”stone jar to be filled to the brim with water and turned into a choice wine.The servants who previously relegated the precious stone jars to the door step for the wrong purpose,will carry the stones jars to the wedding high table with new value.You are not door step material brethren,the devil is a lier.A jar carved in stone relegated to the door step!Enough is enough! I see resuscitation of joy in your life.I see you being valued at the wedding high table again.Your tomorrow is greater than today.May God bless his word.