Lean On The Lord

Good morning brethren.The true rest of the weary is in God through Christ Jesus.At that time Jesus said ,”I praise you Father,Lord of heaven and earth,because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned,and revealed them to little children.Yes Father,for this was your good pleasure”.Those who are spiritually young continuously seek the face of God.They depend on Him for everything. They regard him as their benefactor.In all seasons they have faith in God.For that reason,the Father reveals the secret and power of the scriptures to His young.But to the wise of this world ,they may carry the bible and read it ,but they will not understand it ,for it remains hidden to them.This was the case of the Ethiopian Eunuch,Who went to Jerusalem to pray ,and read the bible loudly but when asked if he understood what he was reading ,he confessed to Philip that he could not do so unless someone interpreted the word for him.Many years alone do not bring wisdom,but the spirit of God.We lean on God in all seasons for our survival ,on our own we can not make it.We delight ourselves also in the Lord, and He will give us the desires and secret petitions of our heart.Paul the Apostle in another place said,”Do not deceive your self,If anyone of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age,he should become a” fool “so that he may become wise.For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight ..”The race is not to the swift,and knowing God is actually the beginning of all wisdom.Our core reading comes from Luke 5:1-7.Peter was a professional fisherman who knew the season for fishing.Figuratively ,the knowledge that you know in the natural and in the flesh is the one that is affecting you to connect with the supernatural.I mean those skilled “Fisherman ” do not pray before they go fishing,they take it as obvious that it will happen because they have the skill.The Professional worker in most cases just takes his natural tools of trade and rush to work without a word of prayer,and look it is not working.The medical doctor,just leaves his home strait to the operations rooms,look at the results,it is not pleasing.It is so because we are not leaning on God in all our endevours.When God is present the results are consistent.I mean when God is present in our endedevours,our graphs is constantly rising.Going back to the narrative of Peter at the sea,he confessed his frustration to Jesus that he had spent the whole night without a catch.What he did not take to heart was the fact that with God,one day is but a thousand years and a thousand years but one day.Those things that did not happen in your life,if not in your generation by the grace of God,will soon come to pass.First things first,is the packing order in the Spirit.When you want “fish”as Peter did,Jesus first turned the boat of Peter into a place of worship and taught the maltitudes,from there.He was not in a hurry to finish the sermon,but he let the sermon flow as the Spirit directed.When he had finished he commanded Peter to go deeper for a catch and look ,all frustrations and negative confessions of Peter all disappeared because he caught fish that he had never caught.The things that we see today were not made by the visible,but by the invisible.That invisible is God.I mean,the things that we cherish the most are in the word of God.Are you disappointed by the results of your performance in life?Sometime you blame the place,as the cause of your frustrations.Look,Peter did not change the boat,the net and even the sea,but embracing the Word of God in his fishing profession produced supernatural results for him.Good Morning!lean on God in everything that you do and everything will allign.May God bless his word.